Parent/Guardian Attendance Notification
As student safety is our top priority at Madison Elementary, we ask that if your student will be absent, please notify office staff as soon as possible by calling 562-420-7731 or emailing, or by submitting the absence through our online "Report an Absence" link on the right side of this page. Please see below for LBUSD's policies and procedures regarding student absences.
Clearing Absences:
Parents/guardians must clear all absences within 5 school days, otherwise the absence will be considered unexcused. You are encouraged to monitor your student's attendance via ParentVue to ensure no errors are present.
- If your student is absent, arrives late, or leaves early from school for the purpose of attending an appointment with their physician, dentist, or therapist, you may clear this absence by bringing a note from the medical professional into the front office, or you or your doctor may send a note via email to
- Please be aware that if you have reported your student's absence over the phone, via email, or with a note, you will still receive an automated call, text or email (depending on your communication preferences set up in ParentVue) informing you of your student's absence. We work diligently to update our attendance records in a timely manner, and we appreciate your patience as these changes are unable to be made immediately.
Examples of Excused Absences
- 1-3 consecutive days of illness (Max 10 days per school year) without physician's note.
- 4 or more consecutive days of illness with physician's note.
- Health appointment with physician's note.
- Student appearance in court of law with appropriate documentation.
- Funeral services for a member of the immediate family (parents, siblings, or grandparents only); 1 day for in-state, 3 days out of state service.
- Pre-approved observance of religious holiday or ceremony (24 hour notice required).
Examples of Unexcused Absences
- Missed the bus/no ride to school.
- Out of town/family vacation.
- Illness other than the student's illness (parent, sibling, relative).
- Accompany parent to health appointment (not for student).
- Personal or family emergencies with no other explanation.
- Absence followed by submission of a forged or incomplete note received (ALL notes must include: Student First and last name, teacher, and/or classroom, reason for absence, parent signature and contact information).
COVID-19 Policy Update
- During the 2022-2023 school year, illnesses can be cleared though documentation of positive COVID-19 cases from doctor, health department, or lab. We require documentation of both, the positive COVID-19 test result, and a subsequent negative PCR test result to excuse the absence and clear the student to return to school safely.
- If your student exhibits COVID-19 symptoms, but tests negative for COVID-19 at home, they may return after 24 hours with no symptoms. If your student is ill, please notify the school and keep your student home to rest and recover.
For more detailed attendance information, see the Guidelines handbook available under the parent tab at, or call the main office with any questions you may have.
Thank you for your cooperation!